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Mangos are ripe when they are just slightly soft when pressed. Always wash the mango before cutting into it. Place the mango on your cutting board stem side down. Place your knife about 1/4'' from the center and cut all the way down through the mango. Flip and repeat on the other side. You now have two mango cheeks! The middle part that is left if mostly the seed. Slice the mango cheeks and cut off the skin.


  • Eat cut up mango for a snack.
  • Add mango cubes to your salad.
  • Make fruit kabobs with mango, cantaloupe, grapes, and oranges.
  • Make a mango smoothie with spinach, ice, mango, and almond milk.
  • Freeze mango strips and give to your toddler for a teething treat.


Remind your kids that ''eating mango is as fun as the tango!'' Tip -- keep fresh roses nearby when eating mango!